Shardbearer Rykard Go through the portal,then through the mist and kill the boss. Godskin Noble Go inside the church and kill the boss 21. Shardbearer Margott Go Through the mist and kill the boss 20. Godfrey, The First Lord Go Through the mist and kill the boss 19.

Go Through the mist and kill the boss 18. Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella Keep going straight to spawn the boss and kill it 17. Lichdragon Fortissax Interact with the woman sleeping in front of you, choose yes and kill the boss 16. Valiant Gargoyle Keep going straight and kill the bosses 15. Regal Ancestor Spirit Go Through the mist and kill the boss 14. Mimic Tear Go through the mist and kill the boss 13. Ancestor Spirit Interact with the thing in front of you, go through the mist and kill the boss 12. Magma Wyrm Makar Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss 11. Shardbearer Radahn Go Through the portal in front of you and kill the boss 10. Royal Knight Loretta Go Through the gate in front of you, keep heading staight and kill the boss 9. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon Go Through the door in front of you and kill the boss 8. Red Wolf of Redagon Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss 7. Leonine Misbegotten Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss 6. Great Rune Interact with the thing in front of you 5. Shardbearer Godrick Keep going straight and kill the boss 4. Margit The Fell Omen Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss 3. Roundtable Hold Rest at the bonfire for the roundtable Hold Trophy 2. It is confirmed that they do not work on other regions. You are god mode in these saves so you should not have any problems defeating the bosses, the saves should work for players that have the EU & US version of the game. Hey everyone, here is a complete platinum trophy save set for Elden Ring, they are placed in a natural order.